When I embarked on my journey in anti-trafficking, I wanted a Soft Heart and Thick Skin.

I wanted to be tender-hearted enough that I wouldn’t become hardened by the difficulty of this kind of work and always show authentic empathy and compassion. On the other hand, I didn’t want to be so sensitive that I became overwhelmed by secondary trauma, and left bitter and burnt out. I wanted to be strong enough to sustainably do this work long-term.
I later learned that while my plan sounded good, it wasn’t correct. There is beauty in my sensitivity. My ability to make a difference doesn’t depend on how “strong I am.” It isn't about “thick skin,” but living out my empathy with boundaries.
The abuse and exploitation of victims of trafficking is heartbreaking. If I became numb and stopped caring, then it would be time to step out of this work. Instead, my goal is to reflect compassion in my thoughts, words, and actions.
In the same way I stand my ground against injustice, I will also stand firm in my healthy boundaries and in knowing my identity. If we focus on what will make us “good enough” we will always be under pressure by the crushing “shoulds.” Our worth doesn't come from our success or accomplishments. We are inherently valuable for who we are.
Restlessness, anxious toil, and burning the candle at both ends happen when we do not trust that the work is not ours alone. Burnout comes when we take on responsibilities that aren't ours. While we are called to help carry each other’s burdens, we are to allow others to carry their own loads. If I fill my backpack with things that are not mine to hold, then I won’t have the capacity to carry what I am called me to.
Knowing this allows me to Care Deeply and Carry It Lightly.
It's an honor to do this work, but more so to know I am loved just for being me.